Catalog – Gallery
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Old Age
Makeup Gallery
Old Age
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European Body Art
Eye Ink FX
Fourth Seal Studios
Ken’s Tool’s
Mel PAX Kits Makeup
Motion Picture F/X Company
Premiere Products Inc.
SparkyPhotography – Web Site Designer
Stan Winston: School of Character Arts
Super Suit Factory/ Specialty Costume Fabrication
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MF82 - monster/ merman/ alien face
Aquatic / Catalog / Foam Latex / Monster / Sci-Fi
MC4 - merman, alien chest
Aquatic / Catalog / Chest Pieces / Costuming / Foam Latex / Monster / Mutant / Sci-Fi
MF81 - troll/ monster face
Catalog / Foam Latex / Monster
MF80 - sm. - med. demon/ alien face
Catalog / Foam Latex / Horns / Monster / Sci-Fi
MF79- demon/ devil/ alien face
Catalog / Demon/Devil / Foam Latex / Monster / Sci-Fi
MF77- sm. - med. witch, monster face
Catalog / Character / Foam Latex / Monster / Mutant / Witch Pieces
MDF & MCOWL3 (not seamed) In-Store Pickup Only - devil face & cowl
Catalog / Demon/Devil / Foam Latex / Monster
MF76 & MAH6 (not seamed) - alien face & cowl
Catalog / Foam Latex / Sci-Fi
MF76- alien face
Catalog / Foam Latex / Sci-Fi
MF75 & MAH6 (not seamed)
Catalog / Foam Latex / Grey aliens / Sci-Fi
MF75 - alien face
Catalog / Foam Latex / Grey aliens / Sci-Fi
ZF7 - zombie/ corpse/ mummy face
Catalog / Foam Latex / Zombie
MB28 - monster/ alien brow
Brows / Catalog / Character / Foam Latex / Monster / Sci-Fi
MF74 FULL SET (NOT SEAMED) - devil face, horns, ears & cowl
Catalog / Demon/Devil / Foam Latex / Monster
MF74 PARTIAL SET - devil face, horns & ears
Catalog / Demon/Devil / Foam Latex / Monster
MF74 - devil/ alien/ monster face
Catalog / Demon/Devil / Foam Latex / Monster / Sci-Fi
MH14 - Large Horns
Animals / Catalog / Demon/Devil / Foam Latex / Horns / Monster
ME32- devil/ alien/ monster ears
Catalog / Demon/Devil / Ears / Foam Latex / Monster / Sci-Fi
CFJ2 - joker/ clown face
Catalog / Character / Foam Latex
MAH6 (not seamed) -In- Store Pick Up Only- alien cowl
Catalog / Foam Latex / Grey aliens / Head pieces/ cowls / Sci-Fi
MF73 & MAH5 (not seamed) - alien face/ respirator/ & cowl/ specialty costumes
bio-mechanical / Catalog / Costuming / Foam Latex / Sci-Fi
MF73 - alien face/ respirator/ specialty costumes
bio-mechanical / Catalog / Costuming / Foam Latex / Sci-Fi
MF72 & MAH5 (not seamed) alien face & cowl
bio-mechanical / Catalog / Foam Latex / Sci-Fi
MF72 - alien face
bio-mechanical / Catalog / Foam Latex / Sci-Fi
MF71- alien/ monster face & neck
Catalog / Foam Latex / Monster / Sci-Fi
Z(M-L)19 - zombie/ corpse/ mummy face & neck
Catalog / Foam Latex / Zombie
MTF9- mutation/ deformed face
Catalog / Foam Latex / Mutant
MCOWL3 (not seamed) - muscles/ monster/ alien/ cowl
Animals / Catalog / Character / Costuming / Foam Latex / Head pieces/ cowls / Monster / Mutant / Sci-Fi
MB30- monster/ vampire/ alien brow
Brows / Catalog / Foam Latex / Monster
MB29- monster/ vampire/ alien brow
Brows / Catalog / Foam Latex / Monster
CUL3 - upper lip
Catalog / Character / Foam Latex
MTF9 & MTCOWL2 (NOT SEAMED) - mutation/deformed face & cowl
Catalog / Mutant
MTF8 & MTCOWL2 (not seamed - mutation/deformed face & cowl
Catalog / Foam Latex / Mutant
MB27 - alien forehead
Brows / Catalog / Foam Latex / Sci-Fi
MTHD1- zombie/ mutation/ arthritic hands
Catalog / Character / Foam Latex / Hand/arms / Monster / Mutant / Old Age / Old Age - Foam Latex / Zombie
MF70 - demon/ fantasy face
Catalog / Foam Latex / Monster
MAH5 - alien cowl/ specialty costumes/ Giger
bio-mechanical / Catalog / Costuming / Foam Latex / Head pieces/ cowls / Sci-Fi
TSREB- mutation/ deformed rt. eye
Catalog / Mutant / Prosthetic / Silicone / Trauma / Trauma - Silicone
TSLEB - mutation/deformed lt. eye
Catalog / Mutant / Prosthetic / Silicone / Trauma / Trauma - Silicone
CBL - Foam latex big lips
Catalog / Character / Foam Latex
MF69/CBMH (not seamed) In-store pickup only - troll/ orc face & cowl
Catalog / Foam Latex / Monster
TBP- mutation bumps
Catalog / Foam Latex / Mutant / Prosthetic / Trauma / Trauma - Foam Latex
TFNB - mutation/ deformed face & neck
Catalog / Foam Latex / Mutant / Prosthetic / Trauma / Trauma - Foam Latex
TMS- stitched/ sewn lips
Catalog / Foam Latex / Prosthetic / Trauma / Trauma - Foam Latex / Zombie
CBMH (not seamed) In-store pickup only - fat pull-over head & neck
Catalog / Character / Foam Latex / Head pieces/ cowls
MF68- Frankenstein
Catalog / Foam Latex / Monster
MTCOWL2 (not seamed)- mutation/ deformed cowl
Catalog / Foam Latex / Head pieces/ cowls / Monster / Mutant
CCK1- swollen cheeks
Catalog / Character / Foam Latex / Over- Weight / Trauma / Trauma - Foam Latex
TS39- lt. eye trauma
Catalog / Prosthetic / Silicone / Trauma / Trauma - Silicone
TS38 - rt. eye trauma
Catalog / Prosthetic / Silicone / Trauma / Trauma - Silicone
C27 - troll/ elf face
Catalog / Character / Foam Latex
C(M-L)MOAN - old age neck
Catalog / Character / Foam Latex / Necks / Old Age / Old Age - Foam Latex
ME31 - alien /monster/ fantasy ears
Animals / Catalog / Ears / Foam Latex / Monster / Sci-Fi
MB26- alien brow
Brows / Catalog / Foam Latex / Sci-Fi
Z(M-L)18 - zombie face & neck
Catalog / Foam Latex / Zombie
TS36 - rt. swollen eye & cheek
Catalog / Prosthetic / Silicone / Trauma / Trauma - Silicone
TS37 - lt. swollen eye & check
Catalog / Prosthetic / Silicone / Trauma / Trauma - Silicone
TS35 - lt. swollen eye & cheekbone
Catalog / Prosthetic / Silicone / Trauma / Trauma - Silicone
TS34 - rt. swollen eye & cheek
Catalog / Prosthetic / Silicone / Trauma / Trauma - Silicone
CE9- cat/ lion ears
Animals / Catalog / Ears / Foam Latex
MBACK - monster back
Back Pieces / Catalog / Foam Latex / Monster
C26 - the penguin face
Catalog / Character / Foam Latex
MF67 - orc/ monster/ alien face
Catalog / Foam Latex / Monster
CE8 - old age ears
Catalog / Character / Ears / Foam Latex / Old Age / Old Age - Foam Latex
C25 - old age face
Catalog / Character / Foam Latex / Old Age / Old Age - Foam Latex
MF66 - alien face
Catalog / Foam Latex / Grey aliens / Sci-Fi
TFTN - zombie/ torn neck
Catalog / Foam Latex / Necks / Prosthetic / Trauma / Trauma - Foam Latex / Zombie
MH13 - horns
Catalog / Demon/Devil / Foam Latex / Horns / Monster / Sci-Fi
CSFBN - blank neck for blood gags/ female sm. - medium
Catalog / Character / Necks / Prosthetic / Silicone / Trauma / Trauma - Silicone
CSMBN - blank neck for blood gags/ male med. - lg.
Catalog / Character / Necks / Prosthetic / Silicone / Trauma / Trauma - Silicone
CSBP - baldpate
Catalog / Character / Silicone
C24 & CE3 - chimp/ monkey & ears
Animals / Catalog / Foam Latex
C23 FULL SET (not seamed) - gorilla/ ape face, ears & cowl
Animals / Catalog / Foam Latex
C24 - chimp/ monkey face
Animals / Catalog / Foam Latex
C23- ape/ gorilla face
Animals / Catalog / Foam Latex
ZCOWL1 (not seamed) - zombie/ trauma cowl
Catalog / Foam Latex / Head pieces/ cowls / Prosthetic / Trauma / Trauma - Foam Latex / Zombie
MB25 - alien brow
Brows / Catalog / Foam Latex / Sci-Fi
MF65 - lion/ cat face
Animals / Catalog / Foam Latex / Monster
ZF6 - zombie/ ghoul/ vampire face
Catalog / Foam Latex / Monster / Sci-Fi / Zombie
MF64 - cyclops/ monster face
Catalog / Foam Latex / Monster
MH12 - horns
Catalog / Demon/Devil / Foam Latex / Horns / Monster
MH11 - horns
Catalog / Demon/Devil / Foam Latex / Horns / Monster
MH10 - horn/ unicorn
Animals / Catalog / Foam Latex / Horns / Monster
MH9 - one horn
Catalog / Foam Latex / Horns / Monster
CWF2 - witch face
Catalog / Character / Foam Latex / Monster / Old Age / Old Age - Foam Latex
Z(M-L)N4 - zombie/ corpse/ monster neck
Catalog / Foam Latex / Monster / Necks / Zombie
ZH5 - zombie/ monster/ frankenstein hands
Catalog / Character / Foam Latex / Hand/arms / Monster / Old Age / Old Age - Foam Latex / Zombie
MF63 - witch, vampire, monster, werewolf face
Catalog / Foam Latex / Monster / Witch Pieces
CWF1 - witch/ troll face
Catalog / Character / Foam Latex / Monster / Witch Pieces
MF62 - vampire/ monster face
Catalog / Demon/Devil / Foam Latex / Monster
ZLF2 - trauma/ zombie face
Catalog / Foam Latex / Prosthetic / Trauma / Trauma - Foam Latex / Zombie
MHD2 - mermaid/ merman/ alien/ webbed fingers/ hands
Aquatic / Catalog / Foam Latex / Hand/arms / Monster / Sci-Fi
TS33 - trauma/ zombie face
Catalog / Prosthetic / Silicone / Trauma / Trauma - Silicone / Zombie
CF5 - forehead
Brows / Catalog / Character / Foam Latex
ZH4 - zombie/ corpse hands
Catalog / Foam Latex / Hand/arms / Zombie
COLL - old age lower lip
Catalog / Character / Foam Latex
MTF7 - mutation/ deformed/ monster face
Catalog / Foam Latex / Monster / Mutant
MAA-3VBLK - cyborg/ alien/ giger/ biomechanical/ specialty costume hands
bio-mechanical / Catalog / Costuming / Foam Latex / Hand/arms / Sci-Fi
MAA - robot/ cyborg/ biomechanical/ giger/ alien hands
bio-mechanical / Catalog / Foam Latex / Hand/arms / Sci-Fi
CFJ - joker/ clown/ character face
Catalog / Character