Catalog – Gallery
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Old Age
Makeup Gallery
Old Age
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European Body Art
Eye Ink FX
Fourth Seal Studios
Ken’s Tool’s
Mel PAX Kits Makeup
Motion Picture F/X Company
Premiere Products Inc.
SparkyPhotography – Web Site Designer
Stan Winston: School of Character Arts
Super Suit Factory/ Specialty Costume Fabrication
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Specific Pieces
Back Pieces
Chest Pieces
Head pieces/ cowls
MBOH4 (not seamed) - alien/ monster/ the mask cowl
Catalog / Foam Latex / Head pieces/ cowls / Monster / Sci-Fi
Z(M-L)N3 - zombie neck
Catalog / Foam Latex / Necks / Zombie
ZH3 - zombie/ corpse hands
Catalog / Foam Latex / Hand/arms / Prosthetic / Trauma / Trauma - Foam Latex / Zombie
ZC3 - zombie chest
Catalog / Chest Pieces / Foam Latex / Zombie
C19 - med. - lg. who nose
Animals / Catalog / Character / Foam Latex / Noses
C18 - sm. - med. who nose
Animals / Catalog / Character / Foam Latex / Noses
CBDC2 (med.- lg.) - bald cap
Catalog / Character / Foam Latex / Head pieces/ cowls
MBOH3 (Not Seamed) - alien cowl
Catalog / Foam Latex / Head pieces/ cowls / Mutant / Sci-Fi
ME29 (Not Seamed) - animal/ orc/ alien/ monster ears
Animals / Catalog / Ears / Foam Latex / Monster / Sci-Fi
ME28 - fantasy/ aquatic/ alien ears
Catalog / Ears / Foam Latex / Monster / Sci-Fi
MTCOWL (not seamed) - mutation/ deformed cowl
Catalog / Foam Latex / Head pieces/ cowls / Mutant
ME25 - alien/ orc/ demon/ monster/ vampire ears
Catalog / Ears / Foam Latex / Monster / Sci-Fi
ME27 - orc/ demon/ vampire/ monster/ devil ears
Catalog / Demon/Devil / Ears / Foam Latex / Monster
ME26 (not seamed) long bat/ monster ears
Animals / Catalog / Ears / Foam Latex / Monster / Sci-Fi
CMC - muscles/ monster chest
Catalog / Character / Chest Pieces / Costuming / Foam Latex / Monster / Mutant / Sci-Fi
CCN2 - muscles/ character/ monster/ alien neck
Animals / Catalog / Character / Costuming / Foam Latex / Monster / Mutant / Necks / Sci-Fi
ZVE - (sm. - med.) zombie/ stitches/ voodoo face
Brows / Catalog / Foam Latex / Zombie
CCN1 - muscles/ monster/ character neck
Catalog / Character / Costuming / Monster / Mutant / Necks
MB23 - alien brow
Brows / Catalog / Foam Latex / Sci-Fi
CN9 - bulbous/ clown nose
Catalog / Character / Foam Latex / Noses
ME24 - vampire/ elf/ monster ears
Catalog / Ears / Foam Latex / Monster / Sci-Fi
ZB14 - zombie face
Brows / Catalog / Foam Latex / Zombie
MC3 - creature/ monster/ werewolf chest
Animals / Catalog / Chest Pieces / Foam Latex / Monster / Werewolves
MF42 - alien / mermaid face
Aquatic / Brows / Catalog / Foam Latex / Monster / Sci-Fi
ZC2 - zombie/ creature/ corpse/ starvation chest
Catalog / Character / Chest Pieces / Foam Latex / Grey aliens / Monster / Zombie
MB22 - mermaid/ alien face
Aquatic / Brows / Catalog / Foam Latex / Monster / Sci-Fi
ME23 - elf/ vulcan/ alien/ monster ears
Catalog / Ears / Foam Latex / Monster / Sci-Fi
MB21 - vampire/ monster/ werewolf brow & cheeks
Brows / Catalog / Foam Latex / Monster / Sci-Fi
CE7 - big ears/ clown
Catalog / Character / Ears / Foam Latex
MB20 - vampire/ monster/werewolf brow & cheeks
Brows / Catalog / Foam Latex / Monster / Sci-Fi / Werewolves
ME22 - mermaid/merman/ aquatic/ alien/ monster ears
Catalog / Ears / Foam Latex / Monster / Sci-Fi
ME21 - elf/ alien/ monster/ werewolf ears
Animals / Catalog / Ears / Foam Latex / Monster / Sci-Fi
ME20 - elf/ monster/ alien/werewolf ears
Animals / Catalog / Ears / Foam Latex / Monster / Sci-Fi
TS31 - Lt. Ear/ torn/ zombie/ trauma
Catalog / Ears / Prosthetic / Silicone / Trauma / Trauma - Silicone
MB19 - werewolf/ alien/ monster brow
Brows / Catalog / Foam Latex / Monster / Sci-Fi / Werewolves
ME19 - elf/ alien/ monster/ werewolf ears
Catalog / Ears / Foam Latex / Monster / Sci-Fi
MBOH2 (NOT SEAMED)- alien/ monster cowl
Aquatic / Catalog / Foam Latex / Grey aliens / Head pieces/ cowls / Monster / Sci-Fi
MBOH1 (not seamed) - alien/ lizard/ reptile cowl
Animals / Catalog / Foam Latex / Head pieces/ cowls / Monster / Sci-Fi
MF35N - alien/snake/reptile/snake neck
Animals / Catalog / Foam Latex / Necks / Sci-Fi
CE6 - pig ears/ animal ears
Animals / Catalog / Ears / Foam Latex / Monster
CE5 - mouse ears/ rodent/ rat
Animals / Catalog / Ears / Foam Latex / Monster
CPNML - pig nose
Animals / Catalog / Foam Latex / Noses
MB18 - monster/ alien/ vampire/ werewolf brow & cheeks
Brows / Catalog / Foam Latex / Monster / Werewolves
MB17 - alien/ monster brow
Brows / Catalog / Foam Latex / Monster / Sci-Fi
TSLFAB- lt arm/ trauma/ blood gags
Catalog / Hand/arms / Prosthetic / Silicone / Trauma / Trauma - Silicone
CWN5 - character/ witch/ long nose
Catalog / Character / Foam Latex / Noses / Witch Pieces
MGLOVES2 (NOT SEAMED) - monster/ alien/ werewolf hands/ gloves
Catalog / Costuming / Foam Latex / Hand/arms / Monster / Sci-Fi / Werewolves
MGLOVES1 (NOT SEAMED) - troll/ monster/ creature/ big hands/gloves
Catalog / Costuming / Foam Latex / Hand/arms / Monster
MAH (Not Seamed) - alien cowl
Catalog / Foam Latex / Head pieces/ cowls / Monster / Sci-Fi
COSMS1J/ Back - muscles/ superhero/ undersuits/ specialty costumes
Back Pieces / Catalog / Costuming / Foam Latex
TS29 - Rt. Ear/ torn/ cut ear
Catalog / Ears / Prosthetic / Silicone / Trauma / Trauma - Silicone
ME18 - old age/ creepy/ character/ monster ears
Catalog / Character / Ears / Foam Latex / Monster / Zombie
MB15 - vampire/ werewolf/ alien/ monster brow & cheekbones
Brows / Catalog / Foam Latex / Monster / Sci-Fi / Werewolves
TSA2 - Open autopsy
Catalog / Chest Pieces / Prosthetic / Silicone / Trauma / Trauma - Silicone
TSFAB - lt. arm/ blood gags
Catalog / Hand/arms / Prosthetic / Silicone / Trauma / Trauma - Silicone
CSML - character forehead/ balding
Brows / Catalog / Character / Silicone
CSN2 - male old age silicone neck
Catalog / Character / Necks / Old Age / Old Age - Silicone / Silicone
TSA1 - autopsy incision
Catalog / Chest Pieces / Silicone / Silicone Swipes / Trauma / Trauma - Silicone
Z(M-L)N2 - zombie/ corpse neck
Catalog / Foam Latex / Monster / Mutant / Necks / Zombie
CFB/ In - Store Pick Up Only - fat belly/ beer belly/ specialty costumes
Catalog / Character / Chest Pieces / Costuming / Foam Latex / Over- Weight
MB16 - alien/ monster brow & cheeks
Brows / Catalog / Foam Latex / Monster / Sci-Fi
TJF - trauma/ torn/ stitches forehead
Brows / Catalog / Foam Latex / Prosthetic / Trauma / Trauma - Foam Latex / Zombie
MC2 - monster/ creature/ alien/ specialty costumes
Catalog / Chest Pieces / Foam Latex / Monster
MB14 - alien / monster/ forehead & cheeks
Brows / Catalog / Foam Latex / Monster / Sci-Fi
MNK1 - monster/ alien neck & shoulders
Catalog / Foam Latex / Monster / Necks / Sci-Fi
CBDC1 (small) - bald cap
Catalog / Character / Foam Latex / Head pieces/ cowls
ME17 - alien/ monster/ devil/ vampire ears
Catalog / Ears / Foam Latex / Monster / Sci-Fi
ME16 - alien/ monster/ goblin ears
Catalog / Ears / Foam Latex / Monster / Sci-Fi
MB13 - alien/ monster brow
Aquatic / Brows / Catalog / Foam Latex / Monster / Sci-Fi
ME15 (not seamed) - alien/ troll/ monster/ yoda ears
Catalog / Ears / Foam Latex / Monster / Sci-Fi
MB12 - alien/ monster/ yoda brow/ forehead & cheekbones
Brows / Catalog / Foam Latex / Monster / Sci-Fi
ME14 - solid foam/ for bald caps & cowls only/ alien/ monster ears
Catalog / Ears / Foam Latex / Monster
ZB11- zombie/ alien / ghoul/ creepy brow/ forehead & cheeks
Brows / Catalog / Character / Foam Latex / Monster / Zombie
ZB5 - zombie brow/ forehead
Brows / Catalog / Foam Latex / Zombie
CM2B ( Color- Black) - masquerade mask/ filigree
Brows / Catalog / Costuming / Foam Latex
ZB12 - zombie/ forehead/ brow
Brows / Catalog / Foam Latex / Zombie
ZB9 - zombie forehead/ brow/ missing eye/ trauma
Brows / Catalog / Foam Latex / Zombie
ZB8 - zombie brow/ forehead & cheekbones
Brows / Catalog / Foam Latex / Zombie
ZB13 - zombie forehead/ brow & cheekbones
Brows / Catalog / Foam Latex / Zombie
ZB10 - zombie brow/ forehead with cheekbones
Brows / Catalog / Foam Latex / Zombie
ME6 - elf/ fairy/ alien ear tips
Catalog / Ears / Foam Latex / Monster / Sci-Fi
CBB/ In - Store Pick Up Only - big boobs/ breasts/ plastic surgery/ specialty costumes
Catalog / Character / Chest Pieces / Costuming / Foam Latex
ME13 - werewolf/ alien / creature/ monster ears
Catalog / Ears / Foam Latex / Monster / Sci-Fi
CM1B - ( Color- Black) - masquerade mask/ filigree
Brows / Catalog / Costuming / Foam Latex
ME12 - alien/ orc/ monster ears
Catalog / Ears / Foam Latex / Monster
CH3 - fat/ overweight hands
Catalog / Character / Foam Latex / Hand/arms / Over- Weight
CE4 - small ears/ for bald caps or cowls only
Catalog / Character / Ears / Foam Latex / Monster / Mutant
ZB7 - zombie forehead/ brow
Brows / Catalog / Foam Latex / Zombie
TS23 - silicone broken nose/ trauma
Catalog / Noses / Prosthetic / Silicone / Trauma / Trauma - Silicone
MH8 - horns
Catalog / Demon/Devil / Foam Latex / Horns / Monster
TSLBE - Lt. Ear burn/ trauma
Catalog / Ears / Prosthetic / Silicone / Trauma / Trauma - Silicone
TSRBE - Rt. Ear burn/ trauma
Catalog / Ears / Prosthetic / Silicone / Trauma / Trauma - Silicone
CSOEL - oldage silicone earlobes
Catalog / Character / Ears / Old Age / Old Age - Silicone / Silicone
CN8 - big nose
Catalog / Character / Foam Latex / Noses
CN6 - big nose
Catalog / Character / Foam Latex / Noses
TS20 - burn/ trauma hands & arms
Catalog / Hand/arms / Prosthetic / Silicone / Trauma / Trauma - Silicone
MTE1 - mutation/ deformed ears
Catalog / Ears / Foam Latex / Mutant
MFC1 ( In-store Pick Up Only) - 3 boobs/ mutation/ triple breasts
Catalog / Chest Pieces / Foam Latex / Mutant / Sci-Fi
ME11 - alien/ monster/ demon/ ears
Catalog / Ears / Foam Latex / Monster / Sci-Fi
CWN4 - long witch nose
Catalog / Character / Foam Latex / Noses / Witch Pieces